Jane Anne Rothwell Award 2025 - Open Call
The Festival is delighted to launch the sixth Open Call for the Jane Anne Rothwell Award. The Jane Anne Rothwell Award is a prize of €5,000 awarded annually to an emerging artist – either from Cork, or based in Cork – working in any discipline, who identifies as female.
Jane Anne Rothwell was the inspirational Chair of Cork Midsummer Festival from 2013 – 2018. A leading figure in Cork’s legal and business community, Jane Anne was an incredible mentor to and champion of women in the arts.
The award will support bold and innovative projects that respond to the city of Cork – whether that involves traditional arts venues, digital activities, surprising site-specific locations, diverse communities, the city’s history, geography, politics, or its people – reflecting the place in which we live in an engaging and dynamic way.
The successful applicant will be selected by a panel which will include Sophie Motley, Artistic Director, Project Arts Centre, Rachael Gilkey, Director of Programming and Education, Irish Arts Center, and Lorraine Maye, Director, Cork Midsummer Festival and will be awarded €5,000 to develop a piece of work or realise an event as part of the 2025 Cork Midsummer Festival.
To apply:
Applicants should submit a short cover letter including their personal details and statement of intent, why this award would be useful at this stage of their career and a brief outline of their proposed project (max 500 words).
This should be submitted along with a preliminary budget, a current CV and links to up to three examples of previous work.
All relevant documentation should be compiled into a single attachment in Word or PDF and sent by email to info@corkmidsummer.com with ‘Jane Anne Rothwell Award’ in the subject line.
The deadline for applications is Friday 17 January 2025.