Open Call for Artists with Participatory Expertise
Cork Midsummer Festival is an annual multi-disciplinary arts festival that uses Cork city as its backdrop and inspiration. The festival has built up a track-record of innovative and high quality participatory work. Springboard is a community based family support project that strives to ensure positive outcomes for children.
Cork Midsummer Festival and Springboard, a community based family project that strivues to ensure positive outcomes for children, are collaborating to deliver an Artist in Residency and Creative Enquiry with young Traveller children and their families, exploring the relationship between cultural identity and cultural engagement. We are inviting applications from experienced participatory artists with a focus on user-led methods/rights-based approach to their practice. We particularly welcome applications from artists from black or ethnic minorities, including artists from a Traveller background.
We anticipate that the successful artist will be available to carry out their Artist in Residency and Creative Enquiry between February until July 2020. This will involve a series of regular workshops taking place in Cork city (in line with Covid-19 restrictions). It is also planned that the residency will have a small public element/dissemination event as part of Cork Midsummer Festival in June 2021.
This project is part of the festival’s partnership in Creative Europe large-scale co-operation programme Be Part, a 4-year audience and organisational development project in the field of participatory art practices with 10 EU and non-EU partners.
In advance of applying, if you wish to have an informal conversation about the residency please contact Kath Gorman, at the above email. Deadline for proposals no later than 4pm on Tuesday 22 December 2020 by email. For further details on how to apply please email
Funding and partners
This project is funded by Healthy Ireland, the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, The Arts Council, Springboard Family Services, Cork Midsummer Festival and Cork City Partnership.